A comprehensive planning experience, guiding you step-by-step through creating a tailored and wildly successful marketing strategy for the next 12 months.
Because the best way to crush your goals is to be confident, aligned, and clear.
 Tues December 12th → Wed December 13th 
 Tuesday December 12th 
& Wednesday December 13th 
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Setting goals is the easy part...

Creating the strategy to achieve them is where most business owners get stuck.

You need a proven roadmap that’s going to help you:

Skyrocket your profits and attract a consistent flow of leads
Save time and resources by eliminating guesswork and focusing on what works for YOUR business
Level up your visibility and nurture lasting relationships with your ideal customer
Navigate business decisions with massive clarity and confidence

All while...

Leveraging your unique gifts, aligning them with your goals, and creating harmony.

(This is the secret sauce to making your brand stand out and operate from a place of flow and ease)
Here’s the truth…

If you’re going to hit the ground running in 2024 you need to be clear on your marketing strategy now.

Going Into The New Year Uncertain Will Create A Perfect Storm For Reactivity Or Getting Lost In A Whirlwind Of Advice… And That Will Get You Nowhere.

You Need A Plan That Is Built Around What Comes Naturally To You And Is Unique To Your Business.

That’s exactly what I’m helping you 
build over the 2 days of the workshop.

I don’t teach templates or one-size-fits-all solutions. You’re going to create a tailored, actionable roadmap, considering every pillar of your marketing – from organic to paid campaigns.

You'll leave this interactive 2-day workshop fully prepared for growth because we're going to…

🎉 Deep dive into this past year’s efforts, identify what worked and what didn’t, and use these insights to shape your 2024 game-plan.
🎉 Cut through the noise of ‘should-dos’ to focus on essential actions that move the needle. Build a custom strategy that considers every aspect of your business – from lead generation to sales conversions.
🎉 Set clear goals and break them into actionable steps. I’ll guide you on creating a clear roadmap for monthly targets and budget management… making success a reality vs. just a vision.
🎉 Go beyond just ads and funnels and teach you how to effectively integrate organic strategies, nurturing processes, and the right investments for maximum impact.
🎉 Discover how to align your unique strengths with your brand, creating harmony and authenticity.
🎉 Make sure you enter the new year with a proactive plan, not just reacting to market changes but leading with a clear, custom strategy.

You'll also get extra support through our Facebook group as you create your marketing strategy so you’re confident and ready to execute by the end of this experience!

You’ll also get extra support through our Facebook group as you create your marketing strategy so you’re confident and ready to execute by the end of this experience!

This isn’t just a workshop; it’s an experience that gives you the blueprint for your best year yet.

You have an opportunity to be massively ahead of so many other businesses & avoid the pitfalls of overwhelm that come when trying to plan on your own.

You can walk into 2024 with a strategy that…

→ Is crafted specifically for your business, niche, and audience.
→ Provides a crystal-clear, month-by-month actionable plan so you know exactly what steps to take to stay on track with your goals.
→ Is designed to make this your most profitable year yet.
→ Prepares you to step into the new year with confidence, armed with a plan that’s ready to be implemented.

With all the generic guides and webinars, it's easy to get lost in the noise of templated advice…

(and let’s be honest, most of it doesn’t work)
… and they aren’t preparing you for the marketing shifts that are already happening **because they aren’t on the front lines like we are**

I’ll teach you how to get ahead of the curve with the insights you need to incorporate the most cutting edge and innovative tactics into your strategy.
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
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